4-H, FFA, and Jr. Rodeo Programs
C-A-L Ranch Is Proud to Support Youth Efforts with Special Discounts*
C-A-L Ranch offers 10% OFF select project-related supplies (animal-specific) to 4-H participants, FFA participants, and Jr. Rodeo members.
Each member who wishes to participate must fill out a program application. All 4-H, FFA, and Jr. Rodeo accounts will run from October 1 through September 30. All accounts are terminated at the end of each program year. New forms must be filled out each year for each member who wishes to participate.
Receiving the discount is easy! Fill out the application below!
*Discount is given on items that are specific to the animal(s)/species designated on the application.
Some items are not eligible for the discount, including any wire fencing product except poultry netting. Livestock handling equipment, steel T-posts, wood posts, gates, livestock panels (wire or tube), and saddles are also excluded.